
If you are in the Czech Republic, you can place your order directly through our online shop. If you are ordering from another EU country, please email us at fernanda@moctezumafoods.eu, and we will assist you with your order.

Benefits of Corn Tortillas

✅ Gluten-free
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Suitable for vegans and coeliacs


– 2 Maistortillas Moctezuma® – 2 gekochte und gehäutete Tomaten – 1 Knoblauchzehe – 1/4 Zwiebel – 1 gebratene Chilischote Ancho – 2 Scheiben frische Avocado – 1/2 Liter Hühnerbrühe – Saure Sahne – Balkankäse gewürfelt

Process: 25-30 mins

1. On a preheated pan add oil and fry corn tortillas sliced in juliennes until golden crunchy. (Keep aside)
2. Fry 1 chilli ancho until dark & crunchy  

1. Have ready 1/2 liter of chicken broth and two blanched peeled tomatoes.
2. Blend the tomatoes with a clove of garlic one quarter of a small onion, salt and 100ml of the chicken broth, and half of the chile ancho.
3. On a sauce pan bring to boil the blended tomato sauce with the rest of the chicken broth and let it thicken. 

To serve:
1. In a soup bowl serve a portion of the tomato/chicken broth.
2. Add the corn juliennes.
3. Top up with balkan cheese cubes, sour cream, avocado slices and ancho chilli crumbs. 

¡Buen provecho, amigos!

Corn Tortillas and chillies – http://www.moctezumafoods.eu/
Chef Emmanuel Rivero – Cocina Rivero http://www.cocinarivero.cz/

Picture of Moctezuma foods

Moctezuma foods


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