If you are in the Czech Republic, you can place your order directly through our online shop. If you are ordering from another EU country, please email us at fernanda@moctezumafoods.eu, and we will assist you with your order.
Boing Néctar de Guayaba es elaborado con pulpa de fruta traída directamente de los campos mexicanos, adicionado con calcio, hierro y vitaminas A, B1 y C, es refrescante y delicioso, además cuenta con envasado aséptico que permite mantener su frescura. No
necesita refrigeración hasta abrirse.
Boing Guava Nectar is made with fruit pulp brought directly from the Mexican fields, added with calcium, iron and vitamins A, B1 and C, it is refreshing and delicious, it also has aseptic packaging that allows it to maintain its freshness. It does not need refrigeration until it is opened.
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